Saturday, 12 March 2011

I feel like I keep repeating myself

Again more natural disasters, this time poor ole Japan!!  What a whoppa they have copped.  An 8.9 earthquake followed by a massive Tsunami..  I just cannot believe it.  Watching the news and the Tsunami coming in, and people being washed away, I was crying, the tears just wouldn't stop!  So devastating... 

I really can't believe how much we have had to succumb these past few months...  Mother nature truly cracked her whip this time, making christchurches earthquake feel like a ripple compared to the magnitute of what Japan has just experienced....

Again I am proud to see people of all walks of life help each other...  If these are the only truly wonderful experiences we can take out of such tragedy, it is a start....

My heart goes out to you all in Japan!  We have experienced every such natural disaster since the turn of 2011.  We have seen floods, cyclones, fires, heatwaves, earthquakes and now tsunami's.  What has mother nature got instore of us next, or do we really want to know!!!

Stay safe everyone and make sure you tell all those you love that you love them and give them an extra kiss and cuddle...

Love to all

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