Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Touching Base

Well not much has been happening lately. I finished making all my Chrissy Cards, gosh, where does the time go, its nearly Christmas already and I still don't have my cards posted, I am usually prompt, having my Christmas cards all mailed out by 1st december, and here it is the 17th and still nothing posted. Best be pulling my finger out now that I have finally finished and get them posted tomorrow.

48 cards - Merry Christmas

And here is a random pic that got taken during the week, gosh I just love me boys!

Went and had a spray tan yesterday just in time for Dads Chrissy Party. Looking pretty tanned now. Love that I can just get a fake tan without all the sunbaking....

Had Dads Chrissy Party last night, great night, no kids! God luv Tessy for baby sitting. We got home around 1.30am. Too many drinks, lots of dancing, a great time, a funny ride home! Onya Karl & Mel! Next Chrissy Dinner is with the girls... Bring it on!

Also a few weeks ago I said I was in the middle of organising my new scrap furniture, well guess what, its all done! I can't believe how good it turned out! Now just to organise everything, this is going to take me forever, anyone know any fairies who will come and do it for me! So procrastinating!!!!

Chat soon

Love Lisxx

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